Busy! Busy! Busy!
What am I doing these days you ask? Well everything I'm not suppose to! Here are some of my new tricks I've learned:
1. I can climb in my highchair all by myself. I've fallen a few times, but that's all part of the experience!
2. how to unroll rolls and rolls of toilet paper
3. get into every cupboard and grab stuff I know I'm not suppose to have and run like crazy.
4. grab the box of cereal out of the cupboard and dump it on the floor just to hear that neat little noise!
5. how to get mad when Mom and Dad tell me "NO". I stop my feet and cry like mad, it still doesn't help me, but at least I showed them!
6. to climb on anything I see fit for climbing. If Ethan can do it I CAN TOO!
7. to sit and read stories
8. to play in the water at the beach, even when I'm not dressed for the water
9. to eat corn on the cob
At the end of it all eventually I just crash!